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Bonaire Places Ban on Plastic Bags and Foam Waste Products (Styrofoam)

by | Nov 6, 2018 | Nature

Plastic bag washing ashore from the ocean.

The Island Council of the Bonaire Public Body (island government) met on October 30, 2018, and a topic of discussion was the major worldwide problem of plastic waste.  Since it can take centuries for plastics to break down, 80% of all plastics in the world’s ocean continue to exist, creating huge concentrations of plastic floating waste, or “plastic soup” which cover vast areas in the ocean.  A proposal was approved to ban the most harmful of plastic waste on Bonaire by January 1st, 2020.

Plastic waste in the oceans can harm animals residing there.

Plastic waste floating in the ocean or washing ashore on beaches can cause physical damage to many animals, including birds, whales, sea turtles, fish, and corals. In many instances, it can cause mortality when consumed (sea turtles commonly mistake plastic bags for one of their favorite foods, sea jellies) or animals can become entangled in plastic.

It can take centuries for some plastics to decompose. While others will break down more quickly, when they do so, they decompose into microplastics.  These end up in the food cycle and cause equal damage to ecosystems, and can eventually end up in the human body and cause damage as well.

Plastic bags over coral reefs can also cause damage, getting attached to an area of the reef, and suffocating the corals or other encrusting organisms that live there.  

Plastic waste and foam containers can cause harm to Bonaire’s terrestrial nature as well.

Disposable plastic bags can enter drains and clog them, leading to flooding in heavy rainfall.  Although Bonaire’s residents and visitors do wonders in cleanups (both on land and underwater), plastic bags and styrofoam takeout containers continue to spread across the landscape.  

These plastics can also contribute to the collection of water, giving mosquitoes good breeding grounds.  Both plastic bags and foam food containers form the great majority of litter on public roads, leading to extra costs for waste management.

Proposals are made in the Island Council Meeting to reduce the use of plastic bags and foam containers.

Since the recycling of plastic disposable bags or food containers is not yet economically feasible on Bonaire, then the island must approach this problem in another way. The proposal includes the following:

  • The Island Government wishes to protect Bonaire’s nature and the environment, and the protection of tourism follows.
  • The aim is to replace the most harmful plastic disposable items, such as plastic bags, polystyrene food containers, and disposable straws with reusable, recyclable, or compostable alternatives.
  • Many of these alternatives are already available, and many forward-thinking tourism entities on Bonaire have begun to utilize them.

The decision is made to ban the most harmful of these waste products by January 1st, 2020.

The proposal was approved and adopted.  Now, the Island Government will begin the process to eliminate the use of polystyrene (foam) containers, disposable plastic bags, and plastic straws by January 1st, 2020.

Way to go, Bonaire!

(Source:  Island Government)

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